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Alien Hack

Created for the Alien Hack web site.

The owners created this web site mainly for a Seti (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) computing group.

I thought the satellite dish (in this case a radio telescope) worked well with the text.

Their web site can be found at: http://www.alienhack.com

Alien Hack Logo

Alien Hack Logo

Alien Hack Logo Alien Hack Logo



This logo was created for taak©, the world's best framework for dynamic web applications.

I was asked to create a logo that was "clean" and easy to use in many applications.

"taak" means "task" in Dutch.

taak logo

taak logo



This logo was created for an intranet application. P.M.A. was the original name. Add a "u" and you get PuMA.



The Lounge

You're looking at "The Lounge" right now!

Created for my personal web site. I also created this font. It is carried throughout the site (as you surely noticed).

The Lounge Logo

Hosted by The Lounge Logo



This logo was created for WyMaya LLC.

WyMaya Logo


The Share

  The Share Logo





Yahoo (YBOX)

Created for an internal Yahoo!™ project, this is a take-off off the Microsoft XBOX™ logo. YBOX Logo